Character Creation Guidelines

Character Creation for One-Shots and Short Adventures

These guidelines are intended for One-Shots and Short Adventure Character Creation.
If you plan to manually roll a character or use an existing character that has already accumulated Magic Items and/or Treasure, please contact Ravek for further guidance on how to proceed.
Otherwise, all new characters must be created in DnDBeyond. The DM will provide a campaign link to import characters into DnDBeyond.

Creating your Character:

- Use Epic Array for stats (16, 15, 15, 14, 13, 10).
- Character Creation is limited to content from: PHB, Tasha's and Xanathar's - content from any other source must be approved by the DM in advance.
- Multiclassing must be limited to no more than two classes.
- No content from Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse, Ebberon,  or UA without approval of the DM in advance.
- It is up to the players to discuss the mix of classes that they would like to form their party.
- Character must be completed and approved prior to game time. Ravek will provide a discord link and a channel on the server dedicated for the players use.
- Check back here often for changes and additions!

Magic Items

Magic Items may be purchased from the 'Starting Magic Items' tables below utilizing gp granted to a character based on the starting level with limitations as follows:
- Levels 3-4: 5k gold to purchase up to 2 Magic Items (Common and Uncommon only)
- Levels 5-6: 7k gold to purchase up to 3 Magic Items. (Common, Uncommon and Rare only)
- Levels 7-9: 10k gold to purchase up to 5 Magic Items. (Common, Uncommon, Rare and Very Rare only)
- Levels 10-14: 100k gold to purchase up to 10 Magic Items. (Any)

Special Magic Items

- For Magical Ammunition - 10 units (ie 10 arrows +1) is considered 1 Magic Item.
- For Potions and Scrolls - any combination of 3 is considered 1 magic item.
- Each Magical Tattoo counts as a Magic Item.
- Any remaining gold may be spent on mundane (non-magical items) from the PHB.

Please let me know if you need any assistance with DNDBeyond, Character Creation, Questions about Magic Items, etc.

I am always happy to provide guidance and help!

For faster responses, request an invitation to join our Discord Server!

Starting Magic Items

Character Development
Magic Items
Magic Items
Magic Items
Magic Items
magic items
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